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Exhibit with a stand
Table tops are always strategically located to give exhibitors the very best opportunity to present their products & services to a target audience.
They are sold on first come first serve basis.
Therefore, please reserve one early.
Why exhibit at the event?
Many potential customers will be there looking for new suppliers of cement, equipment and services offering exhibitors tremendous cost-saving opportunities for contact and networking.
- improve your sales potential by getting your own private spot at the conference;
- allocate your own portable pop-up display stand and gain more exposure and visibility;
- stand out from the crowd and your competition and direct more traffic to your table;
- engage in face to face communication on your own ground;
- make presentations with your laptop right and then;
- create a platform for promotional materials, brochures, corporate gifts;
- get additional media coverage.
What do you get as an exhibitor with a table top package?
- a table top (a desk), 2x3 meters space, 2 chairs and a dustbin.
- allocation of your company logo, description and a direct link to your website on our conference website (at least 6-8 months exposure).
- allocation of your company logo, description and contact details in conference brochure.
- allocation of your company brochure or presentation in digital format .PDF together with conference materials on a CD-rom.
Please note, that you would need to bring your own portable pop-up stand to the expo.
Here's an example of what it may look like:
How much does it cost?
A table top package costs just 1000 EUR.
Please note, that even if an exhibitor does not wish to attend the conference sessions, he must still register as a paid delegate.
A table top must include at least one paid delegate in order to be sold.
How do I register?
Please complete the PDF registration form on the event's website. On page 2 select the option for exhibition.
Proceeding for the exhibitors are also included on the front page of the PDF.
Contact us today if you require any further information!
Confirmed speakers
Mr. Murad Gürmeric, Head of the Transportation, Energy & Logistics Depart. Ministry of Development |
Mr. Vittorio Zagaia, CEO & Vice President, Galata Tasimacilik ve Ticaret Turkey |
Mr. Haydar Ozkan, General Delegate, IRU Permanent Delegation to the Middle East & Region, Turkey |
Mr. Altan Sekmen, Managing Director, HAVI Logistics, Turkey |
Mr. Metin Elbeyli Railway Transport Director, Borusan Lojistik, Turkey |
Mr. Erkan Ayan, General Secretary, East Marmara Development Agency, Turkey |
Mr. Cem Kumuk General Manager of Horoz Logistics, Member of the Board of DTD Railway Association |
Ms. Yasemin Usta Seçkin, Logistic Director, IKEA, Turkey |
Mr. Muharrem Murat, Istanbul Regional Deputy Director, Ministry of Customs and Trade, Turkey |
Mr. Osman Dogrucu, Managing Director, Green Lojistik Danismanlik, Turkey |
Ms. Hacer Uyarlar, General Secretary, UTIKAD, Turkey |
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Tanyas, President, LODER, Turkey |
Mr. Selçuk Yilmaz, General Manager, TOBB UND, Turkey |
Capt. Alev Tunç, Member of the Board of IMEAK DTO, General Manager of Bora Denizcilik Turkey |
Mr. Semih Sutcu, General Manager, Solmaz Customs Brokerage & Consultancy Inc. Turkey |
Mr. Alper Özel, Vice Chairperson of Executive Committee UND, Turkey |
Mr. Fulvio Villa, CEO, GEFCO, Turkey |